OK! I lied ;-) This is another 'trompe l'oeil' (fool the eye) done on a 8 x 8 inch three quarter inch thick 'Blick Studio' panel (these panels have a textured surface but I sanded it smooth). Yes, it is just a flat surface ;-)
It works a lot better in real life as I just can't get the photo to convey the real impression of depth.Does anyone have a really expensive Nikon digital SLR they don't need anymore? ;-)
Yes, a long time between postings but you get three for the price of one this time - and only two of them are lemons :-)
I have had some commissions recently that I've been working on so I have been keeping busy but I have been rather neglectful of the blog. I also feel that there have been too many lemons posted so I haven't posted all of them, but they have proved so popular and everyone keeps asking me for them so I can't get away from them - anyway, I like painting them so much ;-)
I have some new non-lemon related themes on the go at the moment so if all goes well this may be a lemon free zone for a while :-)