29 May 2012

New paintings for sale

12 x 9 inches (15.5 x 12.5 inches framed)
SOLD to the Cooley Gallery USA

12 x 16 inches (15.5 x 19.5 inches framed)

12 x 9 inches (15.5 x 12.5 inches framed)

I thought that instead of posting these one at a time that I would just go the whole hog ;-)

I have decided to sell all my paintings framed from now on because I always worried about them being damaged in transit abroad and I know that the postal services don't particularly care about the 'fragile' stickers I place on the boxes! The frames should help protect the panels and the painted surface.
I think this moulding works well with the paintings so this is the frame I went with (made for me by my artist/teacher friend Ray).

Please feel free to contact me if you are at all interested :-) 


  1. The leaf and it's shadow is exquisite!

    Best wishes,

  2. Bellissimi Paul, bravo, seguo sempre i tuoi progressi ........
    Un sorriso Nadia
