17 January 2010

OK! Try and keep up ;-)

12 x 9 inches - Gessoboard

Let me explain ............. these recent postings are all ones I have completed over the last month, I am not 'banging them out' (yes, you know who you are ;-) at the rate of one every few days (I wish). I have to post them all now as I have put them on eBay - the links are on the right.
This is one of my favourites as I just like the feeling it gives me when I look at it.

On the shelf

Oil on Belgian linen panel - 12 x 9 inches

Yes, another shell ................ and more to come soon (well, one anyway - then that's it for all things shell like). Click the photo as I have uploaded a larger pic.

14 January 2010

Back in Black

Brass and Glass 8 x 8 inches, oil on panel - SOLD

Just another quick post. I do love green glass, it's the clear stuff that gives me problems ;-)

10 January 2010

Tea anyone?

9 x 12 inches - Oil on Belgian linen - SOLD

I revisited an old favourite for a customer in Bermuda. This battered old cast iron kettle was given to me by an old couple who ran a tiny restaurant in Yokohama where I used to eat about three times a week for many years. Only nine people at a time could fit into the L-shaped room under a railway arch and the food was great (cooked right in front of you and I would chat with them as they prepared my food).

4 January 2010


8 x 8 inches, oil on Blick Studio panel: SOLD

Well, it has been a while hasn't it, but in November/December I had some commissions to do for exisiting customers and only got back to doing some 'new' stuff a couple of weeks ago.
The new paintings all seem to
be ready at the same time, so I will post some over the next few days to spread them out.

So ........... hands up those of you who thought I could only do black backgrounds (you may as well keep them up as there are more to come - I'd hate to disappoint you ;-)
No prizes for figuring out the title I'm afraid!